Neuroscience for Architecture Research

Neuroscience for Architecture Research


Funding: SOM Foundation

Collaboration: Dr. Kris Mun

Addressing the 2018 SOM Foundation Research Prize on Humanizing High Density, this interdisciplinary research aims to investigate how the convergence of neuroscience and architecture can facilitate alternative methods to think about wellness in the standardized built environments. In order to address this objective, the presented research here primarily focuses on the affordances and challenges of applying neuroscientific research methods for understanding architectural and urban parameters. In this context, the research identified and tested a series of environmental parameters, such as artificial light and noise, as well as morphological parameters, such as form, color, scale, and order. The research also focused on creating partnerships between scientists and designers in order to derive pertinent questions and experiments related to the impact of high-density and building standards in cities, particularly in San Diego and Los Angeles. Experiments for data collection and analysis were tested in immersive environments such as Virtual Reality coupled with biometric sensors along with more traditional quantification methods. This report demonstrates a summary of the collaborative research and aspirations for future works.

Please see the full research report.

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